This PSP is focussed on local rural women, health workers and organisations relevant to them, whose voices are seldom heard. We would like individuals and organisations representing the following groups to get involved in the PSP:
- Pregnant and postnatal mothers and their carers even if the pregnancy or birth had no complication
- Mothers with history of maternal or neonatal complication and their carers/ mothers-in law, husbands, or friends
- People who have interest in pregnancy and childbirth or can influence care given to the mothers including motorcyclists, religious leaders,
- Medical doctors, midwives and other professionals with experience of maternal and neonatal health
If you fall within these groups, we would like you to take part in the PSP process. You can help by:
- Completing our upcoming survey about unanswered questions in maternal and Newborn health
- Helping us to prioritise these questions
- Helping us to promote the PSP process. This could be:
- Within a women’s group or professional organisation that you are involved in
- Within your local clinic or health centre
- Via social media (twitter, Facebook etc.). Please use the hashtag #maternalpspuganda
As we are specifically collecting research priorities for the rural Uganda at this stage, you must have lived or worked in Uganda to take part in our surveys.
If you would like to learn more, or be kept up-to-date with our progress, please get in touch